Southwest Greens artificial putting green products are precisely crafted in the USA to mimic the look, feel, and playability of organic grass. Your investment in a backyard putting green will increase your property value and improve your short game. So, what does a backyard putting green cost? Our synthetic putting greens typically cost anywhere from $20 to $35 per square foot, based on the following features:

Putting Green Dimensions

Although putting greens on the PGA Tour are approximately 5,000 to 6,000 square feet in size, you can generally hone your entire short game on a much smaller green. Here are some general price guidelines:

2,000 square feet and up: $25 to $30 per sq. ft.

400 - 2,000 square feet: $27 to $32 per sq. ft.

Under 400 square feet: $30 to $38 per sq. ft.

Type of Turf

Southwest Greens of Asheville designs and installs a wide range of golf greens that utilize different manufacturing techniques and different varieties of synthetic grass. Your outdoor putting green can be customized to your specifications and speed preferences. Southwest Greens of Asheville uses premium-grade artificial turf that has the look, feel, and bite of traditional turf.


The cost of a backyard putting green changes based on how complex the design of the green is and what skill level is required to create it. Our designers and dealers have extensive training and expertise to create the right configuration for customers. If youre seeking something far more elegant, were an authorized partner of Nicklaus Design.

Site Access

The accessibility of the site to our gear and tools will have a considerable effect on the time and expenses involved in adding a putting green. Costs may be higher if we cant access your location easily with large machinery, as this involves more manual labor. The necessity for extensive grading and other landscaping to prepare the site will impact the price, too.


Though you may be thinking about a backyard putting green, after looking over our portfolio, you may want something more. Perhaps you would want to include tee boxes, water hazards, bunkers, or other functionalities. This will have an impact on the projects cost as a whole should you intend to add interesting features to your greens.


Southwest Greens of Asheville knows how to bring exceptionally remarkable ideas to reality. Since 1996, we have built a reputation for producing quality golf grass; gaining the interest of over two dozen top PGA Tour professionals who have had Southwest Greens turf installed at their properties. At Southwest Greens, we consider ourselves to be the masters of installation technology. The cost of installation will vary depending on your location, landscaping needs, what you want in a putting green, and any extra features you may want to include.

Are you Ready For Your Southwest Greens Putting Green in Asheville?

Wed be happy to provide you with some resources to explore while you are considering your backyard putting greens. For further information, please contact us!

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